Monday, May 14, 2012

Beginning with Knowledge - Part 7

Together We're Stronger

Our family has been affected by Myotonic Dystrophy, for many years. I've been wanting to blog about it for some time now, but didn't know how to begin. 

There is way too much information to cover in one post. So, to make it easier for me...and easier for everyone reading to understand, I have decided to break it up into a series of weekly posts.

As we travel this journey of learning together, I would like to think of this blog as a place where, if any others are affected, they too can offer comments and voice their concerns and suggestions on families dealing with this condition.

All comments and thoughts are my own. Resource information will be linked to it's source.

Our Story - continued:

Finally we had a name for the problems the two smaller boys, Christin, and her father had been experiencing. It was called Myotonic Dystrophy. We were told this was one of a  vast number of neuromuscular disorders, under the larger name Muscular Dystrophy.

It was such a scary thought, that this disorder, would be associated with our family. Before we did the research, horrible thoughts ran through our minds. Searches on the World Wide Web, turned up even more, shocking stories. 

It was at this point that help began to come to our daughter and her family. And with the direction of professionals, we were able to sort out the important facts. 

What about research?
Researchers are trying to determine how the expansion of the repeated section of DNA in genes on chromosome 19 or chromosome 3 destabilizes muscle cell function. Other scientists are studying the actual process of muscle degeneration in myotonic dystrophy and also, the effect of myotonic dystrophy on other parts of the body.

For more information on this subject, please refer to: Muscular Dystrophy Canada


The material provided on this site is designed for information and educational purposes only. The materials are not intended to be a self diagnostic and/or self treatment tool. I encourage you to use this information as a tool for discussing your condition with your health practitioner.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Beginning with Knowledge - Part 6

Together We're Stronger
Our family has been affected by Myotonic Dystrophy, for many years. I've been wanting to blog about it for some time now, but didn't know how to begin. 

There is way too much information to cover in one post. So, to make it easier for me...and easier for everyone reading to understand, I have decided to break it up into a series of weekly posts.

As we travel this journey of learning together, I would like to think of this blog as a place where, if any others are affected, they too can offer comments and voice their concerns and suggestions on families dealing with this condition.

All comments and thoughts are my own. Resource information will be linked to it's source.

Our Story continued:

Before Aiden was born, we had many unanswered, family health, questions. Why was Brian not meeting the 'normal' milestones of holding his head up, sitting up, standing, walking and talking?
Christin, Brian's Mom, had trouble opening jars and had stiffness in her hands. She thought she had arthritis, at the young age of 24. 

David, her father had cataracts at 39, a heart attack at 48, premature balding, difficulties swallowing some foods, gastroenteric problems and severe apnea. 

Each one of these things, of course, were investigated and treated by the proper 'specialist' in each area.  But not until Aiden was born did it all begin to come together and begin to make sense to us.

 What are the symptoms of Myotonic Dystrophy?

Cataracts may develop frequently in people with myotonic dystrophy. They develop fairly slowly, but can occur in people as young as 30 years.

Myotonic dystrophy may affect the heart muscle. A person my experience palpitations (rapid, bounding pulse) or dizzy spells, or thy may have no symptoms whatsoever.

A person who has myotonic dystrophy may have difficulty swallowing. This is due to involvement of smooth (or involuntary) muscle. Cold foods may cause some individuals to choke.

Other potential problems may include bowel problems (constipation and stomach pain) and uterine problems in females. Affected individuals may be susceptible to respiratory problems such as infections and shortness of breath.

Premature balding may occur in some males, while females my experience thinning of hair. In addition to the symptoms of the adult form, symptoms of the congenital form of myotonic dystrophy include: difficulty breathing, sucking and/or feeding, weakness in virtually all muscles and slowness and difficulty in developing language and, motor skills.

This information comes from: Muscular Dystrophy Canada 

The material provided on this site is designed for information and educational purposes only. The materials are not intended to be a self diagnostic and/or self treatment tool. I encourage you to use this information as a tool for discussing your condition with your health practitioner.